
Psychotopology is a new, first-person science of subjective experience. It introduces a novel method called fieldwork, which enables precise, disciplined observation of the virtual material properties of feeling states, such as location, size, shape, substance, and movement. This exploration reveals an often-overlooked dimension of subjective experience, called feelingmind, which lies at the core of conscious experience.

Unlike traditional models that view feelings as either somatic or abstract, psychotopology emphasizes their spatial, tangible presence, often extending beyond the body. By mapping these properties, psychotopology enables participants to transform emotional experiences and achieve greater integration and coherence.

It challenges conventional paradigms of psychology and neuroscience by prioritizing direct, experiential inquiry and embracing the complexity of inner experience. Ultimately, psychotopology seeks to restore balance between inner experience and external reality, fostering wholeness and agency.

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The Science


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Getting Started

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Phase One Discoveries

Coming in February 2025, after the Fieldwork Mapping Series.

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The Practice

A Session

Brief Intro with Audio

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Fieldwork Mapping Series

Coming Soon…

  • Identifying and Mapping Multiple, Coexisting States

  • Cultivating a Witness Awareness

  • Pro Tips: Confirming Your Map, Managing Your State and More

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