This was a phenomenal experience for me. I had located three feelings; my neck (anger), throat (fear), and stomach (disgust). During fieldwork #2 my throat invited my full attention. During fieldwork #3 my throat invited my neck to step forward, and, by the end of the experience, I felt expansive, powerful, and at peace.

Thank you, Joe, for your pioneering work.

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Awesome, Monique. Nice work.

Make sure to give new names to the states after they've moved, too, and be open to them disconnecting from tight identification with parts of your body. "Expansive, powerful, and at peace" sounds like at least one of these parts has expanded beyond your somatic body into the space around you.

Also, keep an eye out for other states that may pop their heads up after moving something like this. These parts occupy sets of nine, and it's almost guaranteed that others will be asking for your attention after moving fear, anger and disgust. Good luck!

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